Oh, it was not an easy birth by any means.
There were those books which each of us were clutching and sobbing over and writhing on the floor and drumming our heels to force everyone else into voting for them because they were our PRECIOUS LOVELY BABIES, but... *sigh* There's just a limit to the number of books we can foist off on the judges without giving them hives, and that's all there is to it. We've got to stop somewhere, but people, the books of 2007 -- are amazing. Thank-you to everyone who took part in the Cybils, by nominating or reading or talking up your favorite books. It's all about the books, isn't it? Look for the Science Fiction/Fantasy shortlist on January 1 to ring in the new year.
So much fun stuff going on! British station ITV has an interview with JK Rowling tonight which the British SCBWI is buzzing about (here's a clip). The documentary follows her through the last year of writing the Harry Potter series. So many people on our Cybils team really responded strongly to the book, so here's hoping this shows up on American TV for the HP7 fanbase sometime soon.

Hey - want to learn a little Latin? A little learning isn't always a dangerous thing.
Once a graphic novel about an Islamic childhood, told from the point of view of a young girl, Persepolis is now a short film. Has anyone else seen this? I'm very interested, and the graphic looks really interesting. Hmm! Something else to look forward to on the TBR list.
Bottom Shelf Books leaves us laughing this year with the best list of book resolutions -- from book characters themselves. The Giving Tree vows this year to stop letting that wretched little boy walk all over her. Stop by to see who else is making resolutions. And don't forget to leave one of yours!
It's bad luck to wish you a Happy Hogmanay, according to Scottish tradition, so I'm not -- until tomorrow, anyway. Enjoy your burning sticks (which is what a Hogmanay is, literally), fireworks, bubbly drinks, and animal-skin wrapped processions. (Also part of historic Hogmanay celebrations, strangely enough. And don't get me started on the decorated herring in Dundee). Find a good looking dark-haired man to be the first over your door step after midnight, visit friends and bring them the traditional gifts of coal, shortbread, salt, black bun (a kind of fruitcake) and whiskey -- and play safely, kids.