Congratulations to Sara at Read Write Believe for her winning entry! This one was a lot of fun to draw, and I got to abuse Photoshop textures. Whee!
Unfortunately (for you all, but fortunately for me!!) I will be on vacation starting next Thursday, so Toon Thursday will go on hiatus until at least Thanksgiving. I'll be back from my trip before then, but I can't make any guarantees about cartoons getting done the week of Turkey Day. But after that...I'll be posting the remaining contest winner and honorable mention. So let this be your cliffhanger...mwahahahahaha...
Oh, and one small egregious misuse from my end. A car I was following while running errands today had a license plate frame (not generally known as a source of exemplary grammar) that read "Nothin' finer then a 49er." It's also sports-related, so I suppose I shouldn't be entirely surprised. My favorites, though, are the ones that say "Win, lose or die--Raiders 'til I die." Because clearly--from other license frames I've seen which are actually correct--it's supposed to read "Win, lose or tie--Raiders 'til I die." But no. Half the time they don't. And it makes no sense, I tell you. What use is a dead football team? Honestly.
Love this! I know I'm biased, but LOVE IT, LOVE IT! Right down to that fab martini glass.
For the record, I don't drink nail polish, but if I did, it would be L'OREAL's "Thrill." Although I suppose OPI's "Strawberry Fields" would produce better pink elephants.
I was wondering if the color of the polish is important. According to Sara, apparently so!
Don't try this at home, kids.
My husband recently heard part of an interview with Philip Pullman. Pullman was asked where he got his ideas, and Pullman replied, "My ideas show up at my desk. If I'm not there to take them down, they go away." I thought of you, a.fortis, and how you would draw that cartoon.
Thanks, guys!
I totally should have included a "don't try this at home" message. That would have been hilarious.
Alkelda, I am so TOTALLY going to use that... It's a mix of Butt In Chair and the Idea Factory: if your butt's not in the chair, well... the ideas go home...
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