It's hard to believe, but the 24th of February--that's right, this past Sunday--marked THREE YEARS since the very first blog post on Finding Wonderland, entitled Just Who the Heck Are These People? And our sister blog, Readers' Rants, began exactly three years ago today, with a welcome post from TadMack and reviews of David Levithan and Richard Peck.
It's been a wild three years since our humble beginnings as a duo of blogs meant to help our writing group keep in touch, share links and post book recommendations. We'd finished graduate school in May of 2004, and nine months later (really!), Finding Wonderland was born. We had no idea there was such a thing as the kidlitosphere when we started out, but we're proud to consider ourselves a small corner of the kidlit blogging world. And we've done a lot--we've gotten to post some amazing interviews with wonderful authors; we've posted many a Toon Thursday and Poetry Friday; and we participated in a panel of bloggers at the 2007 summer SCBWI conference. We've read and written about acres of YA novels on Readers' Rants. And...drum roll...TadMack got not just one, but a second book contract!
We're both so happy to have gotten to know such fabulous--and varied and funny and informative and incisive--blogs and bloggers in the kidlitosphere. We've gotten to know many of our favorite authors via interviews and their own blogs. We've gotten to know each other so much better--our individual tastes and interests in the world of YA literature and writing. We've had each other's backs, when one of us is overwhelmingly busy (usually TadMack) or suffering from paralyzing what's-the-point-itis (usually a. fortis). And we're constantly learning from one another. Here's to another three years--or more! Cheers!
--a. fortis and TadMack
Look at how cute you are at your computers!
A Happy Blogoversary to you two and here's to making the YAosphere a happier place. I'm happy to talk books with you both.
(It's my 3rd too this month! I'm not celebrating though, because I officially hate February.)
Thanks, Kelly, and happy 3rd to you, too! :)
Of course, I just now noticed that there's nothing holding up the desk in the cartoon. It must be one of those fancy mag-lev models...
Happy blogiversary to both of you!!! I'm so glad to have had the chance to get to know you. Great picture! I love the scenes outside the windows!
Happy Blogiversary, ladies! Your blog is one of my favorites. :)
Happy blogiversary!
Cute cartoon!!
Dudette, I don't know about yours but my desk DOES float!
Can I be any more jazzed about being a cartoon? And I even have a SCARF! It looks even and non-lumpy so I'm guessing D. knit it...
I love my hair. It's so sleek and ...neat. Since coming to Glasgow, my hair is one big ball of frizz, it's hilarious the effort it takes to tame it to go outdoors. Many, many times I just cram a hat over the whole thing and hope it goes away...
Thanks for sticking with me for three years of me garrulously exclaiming over every little thing. It's been fun! Here's to three more indeed!
By the way -- I'm thinking my next flat? Will be next to a castle... with sheep...
I love the way your blogging names are on the back of your chairs. It makes you look like the celebrities you are!! :)
Happy Day, you two.
Great cartoon! A belated happy blogiversary to you! (Mine will be three in May, if I remember to celebrate this year - last year it went by completely unrecalled!)
Happy Blogoversary.
And many more!
I think the desk is floating on the waves of creative power.
Happy third anniversary!
Happy Happy Happy! (One for each year!) Here's to three more and three x three more after that.
It's been great getting to know you both through Poetry Friday and the Cybils and good ol' Google Reader.
Happy 3rd blogiversary to both of you! It's been wonderful talking books and reading with you since I started up, and I hope that we'll meet in the real world one day.
YAY!!! Happy Blogoversary To You-u-u-u! You both look fab in toon form. I may commission you to toon me and Jules, too!
Thanks, everybody! Eisha and Jules, I'd be honored to toon-ify you guys any time.
Belated happy blogoversary!
As you see, I'm scrambling to catch up.
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