Hey, Kids! I do still exist! I'm just finding that having a house guest is a lot of running around and at the end of the day... I kind of fall down.
...and then get up again and do some more line edits on my manuscript! Today we went to the Botanic Gardens (apparently they're not 'botanical' here) and tonight I finally -- FINALLY did the last of the line edits I felt I could do and sent that puppy off to my editor. Here's hoping that the second time's the charm, although my life rarely goes like that!
I just popped by because I just heard the news: THE QUILLS ARE O-VAH. No, seriously. Via The Powell's Blog, I read that Reed Publishing is suspending the Quill Awards. Oooh, WOW. That was a short-lived little episode! I wonder if people think the Cybils are going to disappear now, too???
For those writers who have heard me going on about digital rights, Random House -- my parent publisher -- has some news: After conducting their own tests (using Amazon, Walmart.com etc.), they've reached the conclusion that MP3 distribution does not in itself lead to increased piracy. Via Smart B's/Trashy B's. My concern for this is that it makes kind of a gray area for the consumer. If something has no file protection, how will you know if you're violating someone's copyrighting? Or, maybe this just puts the pressure on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, instead of the consumer. It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out.
"YA authors never swear." Ladies and Gentlemen, you've heard it here first! Don't miss Sherri L. Smith's other wry comments at the great Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast interview. Sherri's Hot, Sour, Salty Sweet Blogtour concludes February 28, 2008 @ The Brown Bookshelf.
We've got ONE LAST guest blogger on tap for this month. Stay tuned for the FABULOUS Ying Chang Compestine and Revolution is Not A Dinner Party! Coming Soon!
this isn't a literary comment...what is that flower??? It's magnificent. I can see why you wanted clippings of the flora that you saw!!
That never-swear response cracked me up.
Jules, 7-Imp
Dunno what the flower is -- it's teensy, and this was taken with a telephoto lens. You'll have to come see for yourself.
Jules - I know! No embellishment, she just kind of shot that right from the hip, and made me think, "Yeah, r-i-i-i-ght."
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