We asked a few questions (not enough, as it turns out) of our small audience, and found that a few of them blog (yes! The very sweet and friendly and down-to-earth Cynthia Leitich Smith was in the houuuuse! And Tamora Pierce. Still gobsmacked about that. Still.) and many more want to get into blogging for whatever reason - to promote their books or to interact with authors -- but they haven't figured out how. We issued a genial invitation that some of them just might take up... or not. Do expect people to drop by and say hello and say they heard about you at SCBWI. Especially if you do author interviews (which seem to be a big draw), were involved with the Cybils, or if you're involved with The Edge of the Forest (And pssst! Don't miss the latest issue!).
We did not talk much about our own blogs -- those weren't the point. We had screen shots of ...yours (quite nice ones, too. I'll send you the slideshow if you ask nicely) and in the sliver of time and space we had - (We wish we'd had so much more time to show all of your blogs! And then again... an hour seemed eternity...) - we put you on display. We had only one hour and fifty-four slides (with this fabulous chalkboard background Gina cooked up for us) but we represented you, quoted you, displayed you and praised you as much as possible.
As one woman asked, "What do you people get out of this?"
Um. Nothing. And everything.
People -- you are flippin' awesome.
And what you do for books, YA lit, and the kidlitosphere? Ditto.
I would LOVE the slideshow if you'd be willing to share - I am often asked to speak around here on Blogging and Libraries - I may find some new tidbits in there that I didn't know about.....
Thanks -
Hey Tanita--Great posts. I'm going to link to you when I do a SCBWI post (tomorrow) instead of recapping it myself.
I loved your post yesterday, and tried to comment, but I'm having trouble with blogger comments in IE. This morning I figured out they work great in Firefox, so I've been making the rounds.
IN an case, great to meet you and absolutely fab posts.
Awesome. :) Remind me to post a wrap-up tonight. I made quick little notes and messages this weekend but have to paste them together into something more tidy!
Dude, Tamora Pierce! Freakin' awesome.
I really wish I could have been there. I know you ladies did us all proud.
Sounds like you guys did an awesome job and had an awesome time. There are such great children's/YA-lit blogs out there, I'm always stunned and extremely flattered when we're singled out. Thanks for the plug!
Ditto to what Eisha said. And I'm asking nicely for a copy of the slideshow. Really, can we see it? That'd be neat!
And I just sat there, knitting, and didn't even look around! That'll teach ME!
I posted!
Great wrap-up. I esp. love "What do you people get out of this?"
Made me smile to think about it.
Awesome post! And Tamora Pierce was there? I'd be gobsmacked too. It was awesome meeting and hanging with Sarah, and I'm sorry I missed Tanita.
Cynthia Leitich Smith is such a kind and generous person. Did you meet her husband Greg? These have been great write ups about the conference.
I didn't meet Cynthia's husband, but she was just sitting there, telegraphing "You Go Girl!" and affection and concern while we were speaking -- so I looked mostly at her, and I didn't even know who she was.
She is amazing, her kindness to the 'jill-come-latelys' of the blogging world is phenomenal.
I so wish I could have been there. Glad to hear that it went so well.
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