Yes, that's right, we're about to announce the official winner of our contest, which was announced in honor of the fabulous guest blog post from author Sherri L. Smith. We were so excited to be able to kick off her blog tour, and we're just as tickled to be able to give away an advance reading copy of her latest novel, Hot, Sour, Salty, Sweet. So, without further ado, the winner of the random drawing, the lucky person who will now be able to procrastinate in comfort on their couch with a great book and a cup of tea/coffee/hot chocolate/red wine, is...
...drum roll...
...Liz Garton Scanlon of Liz In Ink!!! Congratulations, Liz! We're glad you cruised by and left your name in the comments. We'll be getting in touch with you via e-mail to arrange sending you your prize.
And, in case anyone was curious about my random drawing methodology, you might be interested to know that there was no picking names out of a hat. This was a hat-free endeavor. I scattered all the little folded pieces of paper in front of me on the floor of our home office and rummaged through them with my eyes firmly shut, sifting through until I felt I'd looked silly for long enough and just picked one. At first, I was tempted to summon our kitten into the room and have the winner be whichever piece of paper she batted around first, but then I figured it might set a bad precedent...she already likes to retrieve random bits of paper from the bathroom trash...
Congrats to Liz In Ink, and thanks again to everyone who contributed to the wonderful discussion!
Well, yee-HAW! I swear to you I will make good on this and procrastinate. I promise. Really... And I will have snacks and drinks that are hot, sour, salty and sweet while I do!
Thanks for this lovely, lovely treat!!! Liz
Congratulations, Liz! Thanks again to everyone for the wonderful comments, and to Finding Wonderland for having me.
P.S. I love the cartoon!
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