Then, when you're done, go check out some of the fabulous podcasts and videos that Andrea and Mark have put up on Just One More Book!! for the Rock Stars of Reading tour. It's the true readers' road trip. And don't miss the fab poster. Then, if you've still got free time after that (in which case I'm very jealous), why not participate in helping proofread public domain writings in teeny-tiny bite-sized portions? Project Gutenberg and Book Oven need your help! Read more here.
And with that, happy Monday night.
Your poppy doll is SO cute!~
Thanks for the plug, ladies! And no pressure, but I will be sorely disappointed if we don't get any unecessary sequel suggestions from the Finding Wonderland crew... that would be like organizing a golf tournament and Tiger Woods deciding not to show up... but like i said NO PRESSURE. :)
Thanks for the great links, Tanita. I want that poppy doll :-)
I'm glad that the poppy dolly showed up! I like the orange for scale. And Minh Le has voiced my thoughts perfectly. I didn't want to say anything for fear of pressure, but I've been thinking all week, "If certain funny people do not show up for this contest, I am going to throw a tantrum. Or an orange. Since I have no oranges in the house, it might be the tantrum." :)
OK, OK, I get the hint! Consider the funny bone officially dusted off. (Huh. That's a weird image...)
And in case it was not clear from the post, THANK YOU and THANK YOU for Miss Poppy. Now I just need to find an appropriate spot for her that's safe from naughty cats. :)
"This doll is not suitable for pets or for children who still put toys in their mouths." That about sums it up. It's rare for me to find something on Etsy that IS okay for children to put in their mouths. I'm so glad you like Miss Poppy! Your Miss Poppy and HipWriterMama's Miss Poppy should hang out and have tea sometime. (HWM's poppy is an anomaly in that the doll has 5 petals, not four. Oops! I mean, that was intentional, of course.)
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