Oy. Friday afternoon, at the end of a long week. I feel like I've been revising with tweezers, rearranging microscopic letters in a dim room by feel. I have things open on my browser I've been meaning to share though, so quickly, before I find my deck chair and pass out:
- First, Stacy Whitman has continued her chat on worldbuilding over at Tu Books. Go and read. The first part is here.
- The School Library Journal has continued the conversation about diversity in children's lit. Ellen Oh's piece on not ghettoizing diverse books into some isolated "special interest" zone makes some good points. Make sure you read Cyn Leitich Smith's piece on writing outside your comfort zone as well.
- Twelfth Planet Press has announced that coming in August they have a YA speculative fiction collection out. Authors include Karen Healy, Jim C. Hines, Garth Nix, E.C. Meyers, and more faves. Hat tip to SF Signal.
- Is it just me, or is it a fab week for speculative fiction collections? Lightspeed's Women Destroy Science Fiction just made me smile.
- "Kidlit Summer School is a four week writer’s workshop that will run from July 21 through August 15." Need a little push to help you keep writing through the dog days of summer? Sign up - it's free, and encouragement always makes a tough job easier. Hat tip to Cynsations.

Happy Weekend! Be good, kids, and if you can't be good, be smart.
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