Another reminder from the Blog the Vote contingent (Colleen Mondor at Chasing Ray, Lee Wind and Gregory K. at Gottabook) that there's still time to take part in this ground breaking and original blogging action. In a completely non-partisan way, the young adult and children's literature blogosphere is blogging the vote -- talking about why voting matters to them, and encouraging everyone to get out there and change the world. I'll be interested to see how those who have been drumming up support for specific candidates truly put their money where their mouth is and make things happen on November 4th. Meanwhile, November 3rd is for encouragement, remembrance, and exhorting each other to make a difference.
Don't miss Andromeda's piece on time off for voting laws. Do they have them in your state?
Finally, via Smart B's, SB Sarah gives us a head's up on volunteering for LibriVox. Next to being asked to write for an anthology, this is the second coolest thing I've wanted to do; voice-overs and audiobooks! Whee!
Voiceovers and audiobooks--that sounds totally cool!! It's too bad my recorded voice sounds like a ten-year-old.
I'm sure there's a market for the Minnie Mouse voiced set!
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