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Well, the Election Day madness, mania, and mayhem is over, and I've now proceeded past meltdown and back into Musing Mode (yes, it was HARD coming up with a suitable "m" phrase!), ready to continue National Novel Writing Month. (Check my personal blog if you're curious exactly how far behind I'm slipping.)
In the meantime, here are some links I've collected. Firstly, if you missed seeing this via the Kidlit mailing list, don't miss the post at Charlotte's Library about donating books with a special bookplate in honor of Jacob, the son of Amanda at A Patchwork of Books. Amanda lost her infant son after four months of fighting for his life. Please do check out the blog post about this wonderful effort.
There's a new issue of Readergirlz out, and I'm especially excited because the featured book is Ellen Emerson White's Long May She Reign, which I recently read and reviewed over at Readers' Rants. The Readergirlz are also honoring Native American heritage this month with a chat with Cynthia Leitich Smith and Joseph Bruchac. There's also a new issue of Jon Bard's Write4Kids newsletter, with some interesting updates on Carus Publishing (damn you! accept teen short stories again, pleeeeze!!) and a feature on our own Adrienne. Woo hoo!
I recently ran across a blog circle/ring/community thingy for the kidlitosphere, on NearCircle.com. I'm not sure how one joins, but it seems to either collect posts or feeds and aggregate them daily. Seems intriguing.
Lastly, hope you've all had a chance to cruise by the Cybils blog now and then...there's a post about a great review of TadMack's A La Carte, and a fascinating Q&A about one of last year's Cybils winners, the Artemis Fowl graphic novel.
Jon's writeup of watat in Write4Kids was so nice, and such a surprise. He makes my lack of focus sound kind of charming, which, you know, yay!
I'm glad you've gotten past your meltdown. I think of meltdowns as one of those things--like paper and coffee--that I just need to have as a writer. I don't *want* the meltdowns as much as the coffee, but they do seem to serve some purpose in the end because I always get through them and get my work done.
Thanks for the shoutout about Jacob's books!
and thanks also for your work on the Cybils site--I've been enjoying my visits there!
Thanks for the rgz shoutout! We had so much fun chatting about Native American Heritage Month last night!
Nudge, nudge - Come chat with us at the readergirlz forum! :) Thanks for the linkage!
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