The first of those is talking her way out of the dragon's clutches. In return for keeping yet another annoying knight away from him, the articulate and interesting dragon trades her a pair of shoes. Creel walks her way to freedom, in the King's City, where through a series of lucky breaks, she lands a job that could help her make her fortune.
But sometimes, a pair of shoes is not just a pair of shoes... they can be what's beneath an enormous lie, the means for starting a war, and the last possession of someone you loved. These blue slippers are more than anyone would expect them to be.
Though readers at times may grow heartily annoyed with Creel, as she seems almost willfully ignorant and unobservant (yet the "bad guys" are infinitely intelligent?), overall Dragon Slippers is a fun, lighthearted tale of friendship and love, and the power of an awesome pair of shoes.
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