Little Willow's impassioned response to a book-labeling got me thinking again about fame -- and publicity. Books get challenged and disappear when people don't speak up. Long live those willing to be notorious in their defense of challenged and banned books.
According to Sarah Dessen's blog, "The school board in Hillsborough County, Florida---where Just Listen was challenged by a parent, and called "repulsive"---has decided to keep it on the shelves, though many have opted to leave a sticker indicating that it's for "mature readers."
A sticker.
Well there. That's America warned.
I'm sure young people everywhere are much safer.
Thanks for the link.
Just say no to labels - at least, to those that encourage conformation and/or silence. The labels I gave to my Nerd Fighters were empowering instead. They said:
HELLO! My name is ______
and I am made of awesome.
I'm sure Tipper Gore can give them a report on just how well the "parental advisory: explicit lyrics" labeling me, putting a sticker on the book saying it has "mature content" is just asking for kids everywhere to go "OOOOOOH gimme!"
It never ceases to amaze me how books are targeted - and removed / labeled / whatever - yet television & movies seem immune from this persecution. I've seen some of the most hideous things just passing by such shows as CSI ... things which I don't want inside my head, much less that of a child. Yet, it continues.
I think that they pick on books because books are an easier target, and because most people just don't care, because most people just don't read. Grrr.
Stickers! I love sticker! I put them on my calendar all the time to show when I've exercised. The only stickers I want to see on my books are award stickers, thank you.
I completely agree with you, D. That's all unfortunately true. And there IS some truly godawful stuff on crime shows, especially.
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