In my thoroughly half-awake state, I forgot to tell you about some great T-shirts MotherReader has going on that all the smart set will be wearing at conferences this year. I'm SO calling dibs on this one. And isn't it cool how LittleReader is growing up just like Mom? Awww.
Thanks to Chicken Spaghetti for the heads up on the PEN's Children's/Young Adult Book Authors Committee discussion on censorship. I read
Meanwhile, if you've never visited kidSpeak, where censorship issues are talked about by kids... you've got to. It will make you feel like the world just might be all right, because young people are learning to stand up for their First Amendment rights. Huzzah!
Fun with linguistics... okay, maybe I'm the only one who winces when she hears people say 'exspresso'... when it's pronounced and spelled 'espresso'... (I may also be the only one who thinks linguistics are fun...) Here are more entertaining common errors in English usage.
Have a good weekend... starting... tomorrow.
Yay for the Shakespeare shirt! Yay for Mother Reader's Daughter! And Yay for Paul Brians' common errors in English page!! I've long been particularly irritated by "step foot" (which I hear on TV constantly--CONSTANTLY!!) and "you've got another thing coming."
Here's something funny the "expresso" thing reminded me of...on our recent vacation we parked at a long-term lot near the airport, operated by "Expresso Parking."
Yeah - and don't you just want to beat people who "think different?" I want a shirt: Adverbs Are FriendLY!
Thanks for the shout-out to my kid. It's funny, she was more snarky about the book than I would have been. But, hey, it was her review.
Love the link to the common errors page! I'll have to bookmark that site. I am personally fond of the exorcise/exercise one. After an initial confusion when I was young, I can never hear the phrase "exorcise his demons" without imagining devils sweating to the oldies.
You are not the only one! I cannot DEAL with such things! It is espresso, not expresso. It is Valentine, not Valetimes. etc.
Heh. Valentimes.
I remember when my sister was little, she read 'deviled eggs' as De-Viled eggs... and so now I shall imagine de vile eggs, 'exorcising' with Richard Simmons... bad, bad.
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