Epigram, by Peter Pindar, ca. 1780
Midas, they say, possessed the art of old
Of turning whatso'er he touched to gold;
This modern statesman can reverse with ease --
Touch them with gold, they'll turn to what you please.
It absolutely slays me that this was written in seventeen eighty!!!
Epigram, by Matthew Prior, 1710-20
Rise not till noon, if life be but a dream,
As Greek and Roman poets have expressed:
Add good example to so grave a theme,
For he who sleeps the longest lives the best.
A more modern epigram comes from Countee Cullen, and while bringing a smile, also brings a bit of a wince:
For a Lady I Know, 1925
She even thinks that up in heaven
Her class lies late and snores,
While poor black cherubs rise at seven
To do celestial chores.
I don't think Mr. Cullen ever bothered trying to straighten her out. I like his wry tone, and how he carefully doesn't say she's exactly wrong, but... you get the point anyway.
Finally, J.V. Cunningham reminds us that all things will take place -- eventually.
All in Due Time, 1950
All in due time: love will emerge from hate,
And the due deference of truth from lies.
If not quite all things come to those who wait
They will not need them: in due time one dies.
And on that cheery note, I invite to you join the gang at Becky's for Poetry Friday.
I enjoyed the two 18th century epigrams best. "He who sleeps the longest lives the best." Good justification. :)
These are all excellent!
I'm not convinced that's a bird (or even a bird-thing), though... :D
I'm with jama on the sleep thing. Sleep is my vice of choice. :)
I think it's an angel shooting fire at some slow fool.
I think epigrams must be awfully hard to write. Have you tried some?
Great post for yesterday! We had the day off and after getting up to feed the cat, I went back to bed and slept long. Good stuff, sleep.
Indeed, hard to believe that the first one is from 1780. Not much has changed. But at least the last one you shared gives us hope...sort of.
Epigrams never really showed up on my poetry radar before, but I think I'm going to have to read more and even try to write some for fun. Thanks for introducing these to me!
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