NLS Publishing is excited to announce the 2008 Students for Change Essay Writing Contest. The contest is open to high school seniors, undergraduate and graduate students who will attend a regionally accredited college or university in the United States in the Fall of 2009.
Students wishing to enter the contest are required to submit a 1000 to 2000 word essay describing "what the election of Barack Obama, the first African-American President, means to you and your family." Students are encouraged to discuss this historic event with their parents and grandparents, and to incorporate these discussions into their essays. Students may submit up to three (3) photos with their essay.

• Organization
• Content
• Quality of Writing
• Originality
All entries MUST be accompanied by an Official Entry Form (which will come up as a .pdf), including the signature of the student (and parent, if the student is under the age of 18). Only one essay may be submitted per student. Essays must be postmarked / received no later than January 20, 2009, before 12:00 midnight.
Essays must be typed, double-spaced, and in MS Word format. Essays can be submitted via email, file upload OR U.S. Mail. Here you can find:
• the Requirements for essay contest entries via Email ,
• Requirements for essay contest entries via File Upload , and
• Requirements for essay contest entries via U.S. Mail
If you're going to take part, r.s.v.p. so that you can receive updates and additional scholarship information from the company. This sounds like a great little project for Christmas break!
*Essay contest winners will receive notification by April 30, 2009
I checked to see if you had to be a full time student and didn't see that in the rules so I am totally into this!! I am going to go for it. Thanks for posting this!
GO FOR IT. There really seem to be no limits, so I think everyone who can enter, should, if only so that it's not just the kids who get their say!
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