Now, while the author/illustrator goodness is going on, don't forget to be thinking of who you'd like to hear from next time. The goal of the Blog Blast Tours is to reintroduce authors whose work is older but beloved, to celebrate new authors and to connect illustrators and writers with young adult readers in every way we can. You'll notice that not all of those interviewed have a new book out or are "big names" in the YA circuit -- and that's the beauty of it. There's every chance to discover someone new!
Speaking of "big" names, e. lockhart is fabulously huge for her 'Boyfriend' books, and her general awesomeness. Today the inestimable Dr. Lockhart (yes, she has a shiny doctorate in English, people: brilliant writer of fiction AND big fat papers) is at the YA YA YA's. Go show her some love.
Definitely don't miss Mary Pearson at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy today.
Another big name's on tap today, Dar Williams! Not talking the songs, though, but talking the books - and she's quoted as describing picture books as NOT EASY. YES! A smart celebrity! **BONUS** a song! Very nice.
And just so you know? Jennifer Bradbury was told she would make a great guy. That's probably the best compliment EVER for a woman writer writing a guy character.
I'm LOVING the airtime that Greek gods and goddesses are getting these days. First it was the awesome Percy Jackson, and now it's kind of a graphic novel/poetic treatment that makes them superheroes! You've got to check out the interview with Charles R. Smith, Jr. at Writing & Ruminating. If nothing else, you'll find some good excuses for why you can't shoot when you're playing basketball...
Mary Hooper has a time machine. Man, I want one. She's at Miss Erin's.
Chasing Ray has nonfiction covered today with Elisha Cooper's great experiment. He spent a year in a public high school and uncovered some of the fascinating pressures and experiences of the day-to-day. It's a book I definitely want to read.

Some of us *cough* have wished that a week would go by without Certain Authors being mentioned in the press... When Harry Met Sexism means that we haven't reached a Rowling-free world just yet. A Guardian literary critic sounds off on a Harvard Crimson student writer who dismisses J.K. Rowling as just a flash in the pan, and claims that "writing bedtime stories is lame." I'm surprised anyone even bothered to answer that foolishness, but this critic mentions several excellent fantasy, science fiction and speculative fiction writers who are women who are getting short shrift. Hat tip to Tamora Pierce for this one.
I'm knee deep in packing and boxes, and hope things don't get quite so out of control as last time. And hopefully this is the LAST move for another three years or so! Tune in tomorrow for more SBBT goodness!
Interesting article.
I think by and large it's still "hard to imagine a world which acknowledges the importance, multitude and sheer brilliance of its women" in any non-traditional areas, unfortunately.
I wonder if the Harvard Crimson article made any mention of JK Rowling being shrill, by any chance? Or showing too much cleavage? Wearing too many pant suits? Then we could draw some fun comparisons between criticisms of her and Hillary Clinton. Looks like we can already check off manipulative.
More and more good luck thoughts for the move!
E. = awesome author, awesome person.
I think you'll enjoy Shift, ladies, especially Tanita.
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