If you want to write a YA nonfiction book of which Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke would approve, write one about money. Kids, Bernanke says, have to learn to be a bit more savvy with money. Um. Mr. Bernanke? Young adults did not create the recession. I'm just sayin.'
Mr. Federal Reserve's remarks that young adults' ability to handle money is "an essential part of their well-being and a critical factor for the nation's economic health," is somewhat true, yet somehow really, really bugs me. Yes: I'm all about everyone being able to balance their checkbook and pay their debts, and I'm positive that's something you should learn in school -- preferably before college when credit card companies start sending you applications. However: EVERYONE should be taught to live within their means. Everyone. Not just young adults. I really hate to think Mr. Federal Reserve Chair is inferring that "Sheesh, the world is screwed. You kids had better be prepared to deal with it and/or fix it." Let's hope he didn't mean that at all.
Okay, in my opinion? Jen just showed us her bookshelves to make me jealous. It was all a vicious plot as far as I'm concerned...
Speaking of people with lots of books, the Shrinking Violets are soliciting the name of your favorite indie bookstore! Their National Independent Bookseller Month celebration is a chance for your favorite little corner of bookland to be honored. Let them know all about it!

If you've tried calling over to Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast and gotten the machine, and Eisha's voice sounding like she's on helium... well, there's a reason for that. The Imps have hitched a ride to Paradise...

Everywhere, writers are working -- constructing manuscripts and poetry, and they're also working on pulling together the best Summer Blog Blast Tour ever. Books are being scrutinized and lists of questions drawn up for our panel of guest authors and illustrators. Stay tuned for some challenging questions, thoughtful answers and some good fun next month!
I don't know what to say. I don't think I've ever been accused of undertaking a vicious plot, TadMack. I didn't know I had it in me...
Methinks somebody should tell Mr. Bernanke about the Several Trillion Dollars borrowed by the Bush Administration... just to get him going, you know? I mean, that's a heck of a lot of ringtones, or whatever it is he thinks young adults spend too much money on.
Those are some nice bookshelves. Oh to have more in our tiny house!
Jen - you never know what dastardliness you have until you try! I COVET your shelves. It's quite serious.
Hmmm ... sounds like I'm fortunate that you now live 5000 miles away. I have to think that the overseas shipping costs would be a deterrent for ... borrowing said book shelves, in a dastardly manner.
But seriously, I do just stand in the living room and look at them. I'm starting to put books on there, and they look even better. But it might be safer not to put up any more pictures...
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