The other day we hailed the 2010 debut of THE ENCHANTED CONVERSATION. Now today, it's YARN - a nicely evocative title that makes me think of tall tales.
From the site:
Welcome to YARN. Our mission is to publish the highest quality creative writing for young adult readers, ages 14-18, and those in other age groups who enjoy young adult lit. Published quarterly, YARN will feature short fiction and creative essays, poetry, and an author interview. Our interactive sections will allow for discussions about published work, as well as reviews of recent YA books. We seek to discover new teen writers, and publish them alongside established writers of the YA genre.
For those of a more specialized writing theme, ALIMENTUM is seeking fiction and creative nonfiction around the subject of food. Their regular reading submission period is September 1, 2009 to March 1, 2010, and there's still time for you to get familiar with them and submit something. I've just read the most amazing feast poem and a short story about gristle and bone of family life -- stuff I hope to see in print. Check them out.
YARN just sounds fabulous! I'm very excited to see another new venue for YA shorts. I guess I'll have to start writing more of those... :)
wow ... thanks for this!
Ooh, boy, brand-new market for YA short fiction! Thanks for this welcome news. Markets for this genre seem to be drying up fast lately, with so many print pubs. folding. I'll have to pop over and take a look at their submission guidelines.
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing these links. Inspiring stuff! Makes me wish I was a writer.
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