I should note that my original book title was supposed to be "Whimper," which I quite liked, except no pictures came up with that tag. So I had to go with this one, which is of dubious appropriateness. Credit, blame, or random yelling people with pitchforks should go in the direction of 100 Scope Notes.
What will yours look like?
1 – Go to "Fake Name Generator" or click http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/
The name that appears is your author name.
2 – Go to "Random Word Generator" or click http://www.websitestyle.com/parser/randomword.shtml
The word listed under "Random Verb" is your title.
3 – Go to "FlickrCC" or click http://flickrcc.bluemountains.net/index.php
Type your title into the search box. The first photo that contains a person is your cover.
4 – Use Photoshop, Picnik, or similar to put it all together. Be sure to crop and/or zoom in.
5 – Post it to your site along with this text.
Oh no, that's just awful!
I'm just as struck, though, by the name you drew. Is it unfair to poor Ollie, whoever he may be, that the name "Ollie P. Miller" strikes me as adding just the right dirty-old-man tinge to complete this cover?
Isn't that horrible? I'm now kind of wishing I'd put "Ollie P. Miller, Ph. D." as the author, for that extra squick factor.
Thanks for taking part - I just added Cleave to the gallery.
sad thing is that book would probably sell :( especially if it was from a celebrity like hugh heavner or dolly partdon
SO YA!!!
Decapitated girl, check.
Spaghetti straps, check.
This one just ROCKS.
Oooh fun! So bad it's almost...nah, it's still bad. I like that extra squick factor you mentioned too. Could I suggest the subtitle "A celebration of adolescent mammaries" to accompany the Ph.D.?
Eww, gross! HAHAHA! I couldn't quite think of a subtitle I liked, so I went for the fake testimonial instead. :)
Oh thank heavens. I thought, when I read just the little bit of this post of my "blog updates", that this was an ACTUAL book.
It isn't, is it?
Fun idea, I got really creative with mine and added a newberry award. It looks awesome. XD
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