"I am a geek. A science fiction nerd. A fantasy dork. I spent the day after Christmas watching all three Lord of the Rings movies with four guys, a couple of hot dogs, a mug of tea, and a light-up replica of Frodo's sword, Sting. (Wow, that sounds too geeky, even for me.) I have dressed like Uhura (once, for Halloween -- I'm not that nerdy). And now I am writing science-effing-fiction! Well, my version of it anyway. It will still be a coming-of-age story; it will still be about the people. There are no spaceships, no laser beams, no alien hordes. No fairies. But it will be new. A new what-if. How am I supposed to get any sleep when I could be writing that?"
Rampant Geekatude!!!
Is it any WONDER that we're excited about our second visit with author Sherri L. Smith? On February 2, we'll be chatting about her new book, Flygirl, about ethnicity, race, and who we really are.
You are SO invited to join the conversation. Bring your coffee (we'll be wide awake), your chatter, and the truth about your identity.
I look forward to that!
Yours in Geekatude,
Me, too, and I'm looking forward to reading this one (Flygirl)...
Dude, you outed me! I mean, I outed myself, but you amplified it! I guess that's okay. Nerd power and all that. (No point in passing for cool!)
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