Because I did not wish to regale you with my bad high school romance-of-mathematics poetry once again (and the crowd breathed a huge sigh of relief!) I thought I at least owed you a peek at the new mental_floss 'Fib' shirt -- and this is really for Gregory K, @ Gotta Book, because he's the original fib guy. (Very original, I might add. Have you read his Oddaptations!?) SO, that's my two cents for math today - it's not a pi joke, but enjoy!
Sam had some good points this week about publishing being ...kind of a game. Justine Larbalestier seems to concur, talking about the luck factor on her blog. Hat tip to Shrinking Violet Productions.
Don't Forget to Write: Co-blogger a.fortis mentioned this week why she writes "part of the reason I write for a teen audience is that I think--I hope--that reading my work might someday help someone through a tough time, or distract someone from their own troubles." Disco Mermaid Jay really brings that home this week, reprinting a couple of notes he's gotten in response to his book. Now, that's what we're here for. Writing. It matters. We've all got our Insecure Selves to deal with, but well done you, Jay Asher, for gently shutting I.J. down.
Bay Area Peeps, Save the Date! It's the 14th Celebration of Children's Literature at UC Berkeley on Saturday, April 12 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
As part of Cal Day, which is the campus-wide open house, UC Berkeley's Tolman Hall is putting on a free community celebration, celebrating children's book. The book fair literati includes Gennifer Choldenko, Marissa Moss, Thacher Hurd, Elisa Kleven, LeUyen Pham, and quite a few more, plus musicians and bookmaking art activities, and storytelling, and more. Do check it out -- it sounds like a lot of fun.
Even though I didn't go to public school, I'm enjoying *my (or, rather, Jen Robinson's) recent discovery of Public School Insights, which carries an interview with our insane Ambassador, Jon Scieszka. The title? Turning Boys Into Readers. Hmmm! T-June 1st and counting, and GuysLit Wire will be going live. We have some seriously great girls and GUYS who read blogging about the best teen guy reading they can find.
Man, there's tons of great book stuff getting revved up for warmer, clearer days... Stay tuned!
Jeez, there's a children's lit celebration on Cal Day? That's what I get for not reading my alumni newsletter...
I would love to go, but...man. Do you KNOW how many people are crawling all over campus on Cal Day? Ugh.
Great shirt!
And thanks for the link, too....
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