One of our stated goals in the Wonderland treehouse is to up diverse books.
We've cheered and made a lot of noise about the diverse books we've found and enjoyed, in all genres and we both read a great deal, but... there are serious holes in the diverse book category, across the YA spectrum as a whole. Enter the Internet.
So, diversity. What's it all about? What's it for? Why do we need diverse books? That, friends, is the question the crew at #WeNeedDiverseBooks wants YOU to answer.
Make Noise: On May 1st at 1pm (EST), there will be a public call for action that will spread over 3 days. We’re starting with a visual social media campaign using the hashtag #WeNeedDiverseBooks. We want people to tweet, Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook, blog, and post anywhere they can to help make the hashtag go viral.
For the visual part of the campaign:
♦ Take a photo holding a sign that says “We need diverse books because ___________________________.” Fill in the blank with an important, poignant, funny, and/or personal reason why this campaign is important to you.
♦ The photo - family friendly, of course - can be of you, your buds, your stuffed animals, your Barbies, your local library or fave bookstore - and should say clearly WHY you support diversity in kids’ lit. Even a photo of the sign without you will work.
♦ Make Art: There will be a Tumblr at We Need Diverse Books Dot Tumblr Dot Com that will host all of the photos and messages for the campaign. Please submit your visual component by May 1st to with the subject line “photo” or submit it right on the Tumblr page here and it will be posted throughout the first day.
♦ Starting at 1:00PM (EST) the Tumblr will start posting and it will be our job to reblog, tweet, Facebook, or share wherever we think will help get the word out. (Have you checked it yet? Some good discussion is already going.
♦ From 1pm EST to 3pm EST, there will be a nonstop hashtag party to spread the word. It is hoped that we’ll get enough people to participate to make the hashtag trend and grab the notice of more media outlets. This could be big!
♦ The Tumblr will continue to be active throughout the length of the campaign, and for however long the discussion keeps going, so all are welcome to keep emailing or sending in submissions even after May 1st.
On May 2nd, the second part of the campaign will roll out with a Twitter chat scheduled for 2pm (EST) using the same hashtag. Please use #WeNeedDiverseBooks at 2pm on May 2nd and share your thoughts on the issues with diversity in literature and why diversity matters to you.
On May 3rd, 2pm (EST), the third portion of the campaign will begin. There will be a Diversify Your Shelves initiative to encourage people to put their money where their mouth is and buy diverse books and take photos of them. Diversify Your Shelves is all about actively seeking out diverse literature in bookstores and libraries, and there will be some fantastic giveaways for people who participate in the campaign! More details to come!
Everybody's talking about diversity... but is there anything we can really do about it? Let's find out. Make some noise - so that media outlets will pick it up as a news item. Raise your voice - so that the organizers of BEA and every big conference and festival out there gets the message that diversity is important - and why. We hope you will help spread the word by being a part of this movement.
So, that brings us back to the question...
Why do you need diverse books?