August 21, 2008

Toon Thursday: The Dreaded Book Tour

I had a few links I was going to post, but things are a bit busy tonight, so I'll just leave you with the toon to contemplate. Of course, as an as-yet-unpublished writer (fiction-wise, anyway), even the guy doing the crossword and the 5%-off coupon look pretty good to me right now...


  1. Ohhh that cartoon is making me wince. I bet the guy doing the crossword will saunter over to the harried author afterwards and ask her to read his novel.

  2. Aaargh! Don't remind me. I still have thus far avoided the dreaded Reading, but someday that time may run out...!

  3. Oh, Tad, you'll have to let us know if that happens. I have my heart totally set on avoiding reading...just seeing your sentence about time running out has made me feel queasy!


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