August 20, 2008

Squee! The Imps Have Our Jane!

JANE YOLEN SIGHTING! Go, read the fabulous interview with this incredibly gifted and generous authors. (To whom we once stood close enough to touch but were too geeky to say hello!)

FURTHER SQUEE! Publishers' Weekly just gave C.K. another STARRED REVIEW! Man, she's just raking them in! Mazel tov!

The copy editing package is in the mail! And now I'm going back to bed.


  1. Oh thanks! She was a pleasure to interview. And, as I told her, my four-year-old walked by my computer screen, saw the pic of her with the Teague dinosaur, and said with wide-eyed amazement, "That must be THE AUTHOR!"

    Jules, 7-Imp

  2. P.S. Congrats on your package getting mailed off...

  3. Tad, I'm still in shock!! Thanks for spreading the word and yay on finishing your copy editing!

    Night, night!

  4. Wow, what an interview! And hooray for the copy editing completion!


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