December 20, 2007

Merry Holidays from Toon Thursday!

As a gift to you, why not enjoy a vacation? (A vacation, you say? Don't mind if I do!) Yup, Toon Thursday will be taking a break this week, and possibly next week, due to holiday-induced craziness. A. fortis is currently a gift-making, present-shopping, treat-baking, house-cleaning fiend. Not much time in there for toon-drawing, I'm afraid.

In the meantime, though, here are a few links I've been saving up:


  1. I wanted to add that although it appears as though I spelled "w00t" without the requisite zeros-in-place-of-o's, it only LOOKS like that due to our font. So don't flame the n00b, please.

  2. I am not a huge fan of Scholastic's idea. I have a lot of feelings on the project, which will far exceed this comment box. I did post them on my blog, though, if you are interested!


  3. I agree with you, Reading Zone Sarah. I'm not a huge fan of Scholastic's idea, either...


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