December 19, 2007

Books into Film

Fans of the Lord of the Rings films are ecstatic that there will, in fact, be a Hobbit movie directed by Peter Graves. Well, you know what I think about books made into films -- and this one's going to have a SEQUEL. Yes. Hobbit II, hadn't you heard of that?



  1. Yes, I heard this yesterday, and the sequel part is just weird. And I heard they've got Peter Jackson on board as executive producer, so why oh why don't they get him to direct it?? I'm scared of a new director.

    Oh well.

    Jules, 7-Imp

  2. Because nothing is sacred, of course. Nothing.

  3. I'm so flummoxed. *Two* movies? I mean, I guess I'd rather have two movies than one movie that crams every single detail into the space of 2 hours. And yet... is there really enough material for two? How will they make two distinct plot arcs of it? *continues to be flummoxed*


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