May 27, 2016

Proof that We Actually Exist

2016 Mills College 08

AF and I met up the other day at our grad school alma mater, Mills College, to speak to the graduate and undergraduate writers in Kathryn Reiss's YA writing course. It was a lot of fun, but it was an afternoon class, and it was a fairly warm afternoon. We were FAR more lively/hopped up on caffeine than the students, and I think we might have scared them the tiniest little bit. Ah, well.

There's nothing like doing a classroom visit with someone else! Our ideas sparked off of each other, and I think we were pretty much quadruple the entertainment for the money. Photographers came by, too, which ... is also kind of funny; we're apparently going to be part of the school's PR for "Authors Occasionally Come And Visit! Try Our School!" It's all good, though; we're happy to help, and hope others are encouraged to get their MFA or at least take a few writing classes.

Stay tuned for more random reviews, bits and pieces of this and that, and eventually another tandem review. When we can settle on a book...


  1. This was so much fun! Reminds me we ought to get together in a non-work capacity sometime soon. :) Thanks for posting the photo.

  2. I'm happy to be able to vouch for you two both existing, though I don't see you nearly often enough. Hope you both have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!

  3. Hello lovelies!!! So glad to see both of you!

  4. Aww, you two! :)

  5. @Sarah: I KNOW. I have to come now, because our car died and we have a new one.
    @Jen: Thank you for confirming proof of life! We'll have to do a book thing somewhere between our homes soon.
    @Kelly: Hello back!
    @Little Willow: *waves* Now, YOU'RE someone we haven't seen in forever!! Be well!

  6. Too cute! Lucky students. Glad to see this proof of your existence :D.

  7. More importantly, this proves that you've met and know each other in what Sheila Ruth and I refer to as the carbon-based world and not just in the blogosphere.

  8. How fun to do it together!


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