January 29, 2015

TOON THURSDAY: New and Probably Not Improved!

New cartoon today, as promised! I've had the sketch of this one sitting around for at least a week. I couldn't not draw this one. It made me snicker. Um, why, yes, it IS semi-autobiographical... Enjoy.


  1. So I have book bags, you know? Giant ones. And, when I get a bag from the library, I need to decide which I'm starting with, so I put the bag on the bed. Often I will unpack some of the books, and leave them in stacks. Then I will read. And fall asleep. SURROUNDED.

    Oddly, Tech Boy reports feeling a little squeezed out by this Sleeps With Books thing. Dunno why.

  2. Oh, and just to let you know our library has ZERO policy about how many you can take out, so I usually do twenty-five to thirty at a time...

  3. Ooh. I don't know if our library has a max. I haven't reached it if it has...but I think the most books I've had out at a time was 7 or 8.

  4. How do people get through the day without a book in hand?


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