November 13, 2014

Read All Day? Sign Me Up!

I just heard word in my inbox of a new upcoming event for all of us voracious readers. In case MotherReader's 48-Hour Book Challenge isn't enough for you--or if, like me, it's sometimes too much--maybe this will suit: Penguin Random House, the National Book Foundation, GoodReads, and Mashable are teaming up for National Readathon Day, a brand-new collaboration.

The date in question is Saturday, January 24th, 2015, from Noon-4pm. Kind of like a walkathon, participants in the Readathon sign up for their own fundraising page on FirstGiving, and the money donated helps the National Book Foundation promote reading and literacy in America.

I may be terrible at setting aside a weekend to read (much as I'd like to), but even *I* can surely manage four hours for a good cause. If I can do it, so can you! You can even organize a fundraising team or a "reading party" (sounds like my kind of party). I'm kind of wishing we could do something as a Kidlitosphere group, but I'm not sure how...


  1. Maybe everyone can take to Twitter and tweet a shelfie and talk up what they're reading - just for one day? In support?

  2. I love that idea! Easy, too. Maybe we can somehow organize such a thing, in a rather loose and minimal a Tweet-a-Thon to promote the readathon...

  3. I'm so in for this readathon. Thanks for sharing the news. I love it!

  4. Can you add a link to the FirstGiving Fundraising page for us?


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