December 05, 2013

Toon Thursday: Back in the Saddle with a New Regular Feature!

That's right, a new cartoon, and not only a new cartoon, a new ongoing feature. (You know I love to make up the new ongoing features.) Clearly I will be mining this particular one for years to come: the adventures of ME and my INNER CRITIC. In this initial installment, learn how I first acquired this uninvited guest. Note: All cartoons are semi-non-autobiographical. Any resemblance to reality is ALL IN YOUR MIND.

As always, click to view larger.


  1. What? Your inner demon didn't want you to be a teacher? That's what I got. Constantly.

  2. HA! I did think about putting "teacher" in there, actually...or doctor, or lawyer, because I got a lot of that, too.

  3. At least your inner demon thought it was okay for you to a.) make money and b.) be in a "male" job. Mine just thought I should stay home and take care of my mother. Oddly, the inner demon voice sounded a lot like my Dad and my Aunt Lin...

  4. Fortunately, I have a poor memory, so I don't know what my inner critic suggested. Though I did end up studying engineering... Hmm... Are you sure this one isn't about me?

  5. We're all going to have a lot of fun with this series ...

  6. I barely escaped a life of computer programming. My English prof at the time even took me aside and told me about her sister, a computer programmer, who lived a life of woe and sadness, only happy at home with a book in her hands... I think our inner critics would have a lot to talk about if they ever got together. :) Love the feature!

  7. Thanks, guys! :) I suspect I'll be able to get a lot of mileage out of this one...


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