June 03, 2013

What'cha Doin' This Saturday?

I know what I'll be doing--I'm excited to report that Saturday, June 8 is my book launch party for Underneath. I'll be reading from the book, answering questions, signing books, and giving away door prizes, and I couldn't be happier that my local library is hosting the event. You should come! (I wish you all could come.)

BUT, if you don't happen to live in the Northern/Central California region, you might in fact be looking for something to do. I have TWO THINGS!! Two compatible things!

First, there's the annual 48-Hour Book Challenge, usually overseen by MotherReader, but this time it's hosted by Ms. Yingling Reads. Why not celebrate the weekend of June 7-9 by dropping everything and reading? Read the latest releases by your favorite authors! Read that pulpy novel your friend lent you six months ago! Read a random book from this summer's UC Berkeley Summer Reading List for incoming college freshmen! And then go forth and blog about it, because you know you want to. (I want to! But my reading time will be severely compromised.)

Additionally and concurrently, on June 8 why not take your reading outside in your backyard or local park? It's Read Beneath a Tree Day, which was established this year by a high school friend of mine in order to remedy our society's severe lack of a Read Beneath a Tree Day.

So! This weekend I charge you to go forth and read, preferably underneath a canopy of foliage of some kind! (Unless you live where I live, which is probably going to be 90-something degrees in the shade on Saturday...)


  1. I agree that there needs to be a Read Beneath a Tree Day. Love it!

  2. Wish I could come, Sarah. I do LOVE the idea of Read Beneath a Tree, though.

  3. Wish you could come, too!! We'll have to get together sometime soon. :)


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