November 14, 2012

News and Errata

If Eric Carle wrote Game of Thrones as a picture book...

These aren't quite up to Carle standards, but they're adorable. You can find all of them here. Shared via

Meanwhile, Sir Terry Pratchett reveals that his daughter is inheriting his storytelling empire. Surprised he has a daughter? You've got to respect a famous man who doesn't drag his family into the limelight, actually. Rhianna Pratchett, 35, is a well-known figure in the gaming world, as she writes games. How cool is that? The storytelling gene has been put to good use. Anyway, this article in The New Statesman talks about his Alzheimer's, his little heart attack this past summer (boo), and how he's making plans to make sure the Discworld lasts, if not forever, then a good long time. Hat tip to again.

Finally, you all know I am a big fan of Geek & Sundry's Tabletop and since for some odd reason, our house has been chosen as Thanksgiving Crash Pad (and a menu made and dishes assigned without consulting me... how does this happen??) I've been thinking I need to get some new games. It's a tough crowd I'm working with, though - aside from the swelling ranks of the Ancients ☺ the younger set runs from 23 - 3 in age. Obviously Mr. 3 is going to take joy in doing vastly different things than the rest of us, but I'd like to hear from anyone who has a thought about what kinds of good family games there are out there to enjoy. We're trying to avoid the Monopoly Wars of 1998, and we usually have a rousing game or two of TABOO before screams and fistfights break out, but we're looking for something new. Thank you in advance for any thoughts.

EDITED TO ADD: Jules has very kindly pointed out a HAWT helping of the men of YA lit. Be prepared to snicker at MT's sexy stripey socks, and Barry Lyga's exposed verbiage... and much more.



  1. Glad to know Discworld will continue! I love that series. I just hope Rhianna has her father's outstanding sense of humor.

  2. I hope so, too - I suspect she has had something to do with SNUFF; the dedication is to her, north-by-northwest. I have such hopes...

  3. We've had fun recently playing a game called Word on the Street, which some friends introduced us to:

    Another fun word game is Bananagrams, which I've seen at B&N before.

  4. Oh, WAIT! I have Bananagrams. Dagnabit, unpacking is such a pain in the butt. I've left my books boxed until I can find shelves I like, and I JUST KNOW it's in one of those.



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