October 08, 2012

Writing Tips: Revision!

It feels good to know I can get back to a twice-a-week posting schedule again, rather than the sad little once-a-week I had going there for a while. Now I can catch up on reviews (there's one of Sailor Twain that I've had to keep putting off), regale you with random news items, and--perhaps most importantly--RETURN TO TOON THURSDAY. Tune in NEXT week for a brand-new writing-related cartoon.

For today, though, in honor of the fact that I finished and turned in my latest revision to my editor, I wanted to share a few of my favorite revision resources. Whenever I get in a funk, whenever I'm stumped and not sure how to move forward, I'm sure to find some helpful tips or plain old sympathy if I just check out these sites.

Firstly, there's Darcy Pattison's Fiction Notes. She has a plethora of resources in the form of short how-to tips and inspirational posts. She's got a more blog-like format now than I remember her having in the past, so if you click on Novel Revision, you'll get a collection of all her revision-related posts. However, DON'T MISS 30 Days to a Stronger Novel and Shrunken Manuscript for some invaluable helpful hints.

Holly Lisle also has some really exhaustive revision tips in her article, How to Revise a Novel.

I also like to look at inspirational writing- and art-related books when I'm stuck. Art and Fear is a favorite, and I also like Writing Yoga by blog bud Bruce Black and What It Is by Lynda Barry. Cynthia Leitich Smith has a great list with plenty more inspirational books for children's and YA writers.

I'm hoping to share more writing tips on the blog in the future, and perhaps make it a regular thing...I might as well share the bounty if I'm going to procrastinate by surfing the web, right??

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