September 17, 2012

She must have cried when she saw that cover...

You know authors have very little - or no - control over the covers of their books. As the author goes through the publication steps - finishing the novel, exploring the revision notes, wading through the copy-editing - in the back of their minds is the question What will it all look like when it's done? And then their editor maybe shows them a concept, and asks, "What do you think?"

That's a polite question; in some ways rhetorical. Unless the author is prepared to really raise some serious concerns, it's just a "Look! isn't this neat?" sort of query.

Sarah Beth Durst probably had to stop herself from screaming, "w0000000000000000000000t!"

Stay tuned for the review, and hopefully maybe a chat with the author later this winter.


  1. I'm reading this book right now! (Well, I'm typing this comment right now. But I assure you, I am reading Vessel.)
    Isn't the cover absolutely stunning?!

  2. It's so beautiful, AF and I did a little happy dance for her. It's AMAZING.

  3. I love that cover, and I can't wait to read it! The book is currently sitting on my shelf, taunting me. It's going to be my reward for finishing my revision. (Unless I yield to temptation sooner than that...)


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