June 06, 2012

Read, Read, Read!

Oh, the JOY of summertime is upon us.

First and ALWAYS, the 48 Hour Book Challenge, yo. MotherReader is doing it again for YEAR SEVEN, oh, my word, and you know you want to be there. Prizes! Pride! Bragging Rights!

Via Lady Leila @ Bookshelves of Doom, behold, FREE audiobooks, all summer long, two a week. The pairings are wonderful to see - Jon Scieszka and Mark Twain? YES.

Via SF Signal, Book View Cafe, and its rich grouping of YA SFF has relaunched; some good stuff there.

SUMMER BLOG BLAST TOUR - NEXT WEEK!!!! It seems impossible that it's snuck up on us, but yes, it's coming, and we've got two great interviews here with some fabbity people we love to bits. So, stay tuned!

Right now, there is a book calling my name...


  1. I am dying for the 48 Hour Book Challenge. It's going to be a real challenge this year, with a demanding 2 year old in the house, but I'm going to do my best.

    Also, very cool about the free audiobooks. I like the Dickens / Laini Taylor pairing myself. But I agree that Twain / Scieszka is awesome.

  2. Wow, the audiobook pairings look amazing this summer! I will have to write myself a note or SOMETHING so I don't forget.

    Also...I actually MIGHT be able to do the 48 HBC this year. To my knowledge, I don't have any major happenings this weekend, for once, and it sounds like heaven to just sit and read and catch up on my TBR pile.

  3. I **REALLY** really want to, but my flight lands that Friday, and my life will be taken over, as I haven't seen my family for, er, two years. Not a great weekend to retreat and read, AS MUCH AS I WOULD LIKE TO RETREAT. *cough*

  4. What a list! Too bad this is happening at the end of semester, when I'm in crunch time!


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