January 26, 2012

Toon Thursday: NEVER Gonna Happen.

This cartoon's not writing-related, really, but I woke up yesterday morning with this one taking shape in my half-awake brain. (So if it's goofy and makes little sense, you can blame it on that. Unfortunately, I have no such handy excuse for the goofiness of any OTHER cartoons.)

Geek Bonus Points if you get the ironic math joke. Happy Thursday!


  1. Oh, I do like Helen Tarnation.

    I saw an argument online about something like this (yes, people were out in force Correcting Teh Internets) - people talking about social media going silent. To which I say, "Yeah, and good luck with that." Never have so many with so little to say said nothing to so many...

  2. Yeah, I got the googol joke!

    Love the Twitter "under capacity" whale. As well as Tanita's line: "Never have so many with so little to say said nothing to so many."

  3. Jenn, I keep meaning to say that I'm so happy you come by and post comments on my Toon Thursday posts. :) It makes the effort worthwhile to know someone is reading and appreciating them!

  4. I'm here to claim my "Geek Bonus Points"! I got the joke before you offered the prize!

    Oh, and the whale! And Helen Tarnation! What a lady!

    I've been doing my part lately to silence Twitter and FaceBook. And you know what? If you don't go there, they ARE silent. It's pretty cool. Kind of like turning the radio off when opera comes on. (apologies to those who like the wailing known as opera...)

    (word verification: anesonpr -- which, if you look closely contains all the letters to spell both nonsense and opera. Weird.)

  5. HAHAHAH! Nonsense AND opera.

  6. That Helen Tarnation's been drawing cartoons since I was an undergrad in college. ;)

    Mary Lee, I hear you on the opera thing--I can appreciate it, but as for LIKING, the only opera I seek out on a regular basis is Gilbert & Sullivan. The rest of it just makes me start singing Kill the Wabbit...


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