December 12, 2011

Some Holiday Notes, an Apology, and an Announcement

So, first, the apology...sorry I've been a bit quiet lately, though luckily, Tanita has been more than capably holding down the fort. Aside from the usual excuses about life being hectic and whatnot, I've also been a bit scatterbrained for a much happier reason (here comes the announcement): I'm now officially a client of Jennifer Laughran of the Andrea Brown Literary Agency, who is a longtime fellow blogger--yet another reason for feeling extremely lucky and thrilled about this new development.

Anyway, a few links for your Monday perusal: First, a fundraiser that won't take but a moment of your time and will help kids in need of books. Over at Teaching Authors, they're sponsoring a fundraiser in support
of First Book--for every comment they receive on their blog this month (one per person), they'll donate $1 to First Book, up to $225. Every $2.50 donated provides a brand-new book to a child in need. And through
Dec. 31, Disney Publishing Worldwide will match every $1 donated with another new book. So Go! Comment!

Second, if you're like me, you're always interested in end-of-year booklists--here are a couple of intriguing ones:
  • Now through the new year, NPR Books is rolling out a huge series of lists of their favorite books of the year--kids' books and adult books, fiction and nonfiction. There are already a number I've had to put on my wish list, and there are still a lot of lists to go!
  • Goodreads has released the final results of their Goodreads Choice Awards, with 2011 favorites selected by readers in a number of categories.
  • Last but most definitely not least, the Guardian Books blog released their Books of the year 2011 back at the end of November (so glad to see A Monster Calls on that list--and I can't wait to read the new Michael Ondaatje).
What books released this year are at the top of YOUR to-read pile?


    1. First, congrats on getting an agent. That's huge! Second, I really, really want Cinder by Marissa Meyer and The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater.

    2. Congratulations on your agent--Andrea Brown is a terrific agency.
      And thanks so much for helping to spread the word about our First Books fundraiser.

    3. Making sure I've said it loudly and in public: SO PROUD OF YOU!


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