September 22, 2011

Toon Thursday: Return of the Pie Chart

C'mon, you know you love the pie charts. Today I'm experimenting with using a font for the text instead of doing the lettering myself. It's probably more readable...and I didn't even use Comic Sans.

 Toon Thursday Archives are here.

Anyway, now that that's out of the way (and don't you want a piece of purple pie now? I know I do), on to something a little more serious. Laurel Snyder's latest book for middle grade readers, out next week, is Bigger than a Bread Box, a book about, among other things, divorce, and what it's like for a kid adjusting to that situation. She's invited bloggers to join her in sharing our own stories about divorce, whether sad, happy, or other. Why? Because this is an important topic, and because grownups can forget what it's like to be a kid experiencing their parents' split. Because it's a complicated topic, and the experience of divorce can't, and shouldn't, be dismissed as either completely tragic or completely positive. Because, even though divorce doesn't have the sense of stigma that it used to, sometimes we're still afraid to talk about it.

I talked about it. My story--a small part of it, anyway--is here, on my personal blog.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Donuts = yes.
    Revision complete = yes, please.
    Royalty checks = hahahah, never.

    I like the font - legible, and if it's faster, then even better.

    And now, I want some piiiiie...

  2. LOVE your pie chart!! Thanks for the smile today :).


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