March 03, 2011

Toon Thursday: The Return of Celebrity Death Match

Of course, it's the return of CHILDREN'S BOOK Celebrity Death Match. As such, I present to you the following extra-special PSEUDONYM EDITION:

 Mwahahaha. My money's on Mr. Snicket.


  1. WIN!!!!!!!

    Thank you for your further mockery of Pitiful Pittacus and all his ilk.

  2. My money is on Lemony Snicket as well. Mwahahaha!

  3. "Can count to four."


    How did we live without Toon Thursday?

  4. Oh my gosh, I can't stop laughing. Where did you find this?... Wait. Did you MAKE this? That is fantastic! You're a genius! (I have to admit, the "Can count to four" may be my favorite part). :)

  5. Thanks, Heather, for stopping by! Yep, we have many more toons in the archives. I'd gone on hiatus for a little while, but now the toons are back, twice a month.


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