February 10, 2011

Toon Thursday: Writer's Trading Cards

Today marks the start of a new Toon Thursday series...it may seem a bit similar to Common Species of the Literary World, but...it's just, um, NOT, okay?! Okay. Here you go:

Can you believe Valentine's Day is almost here? Mr. Aquafortis and I will be celebrating ours rather belatedly, a few days later, with dinner and a concert--but what about the young readers and children's lit enthusiasts in your life? What to do? Well, to us Cybils folk, the answer seems obvious--the Cybil Award winners will be announced on Feburary 14th, so it's a doubly exciting day. And Cybils Literacy Evangelist (and blog bud) Jen Robinson came up with a fabulous idea--instead of giving corporate mass-produced stuff, why not give a book? It lasts longer. :)

You can check out the short lists for ideas--and feel free to click through to Amazon from the Cybils page in order to buy, since each purchase via a Cybils affiliate link kicks a teeny bit of dough back toward purchasing prizes for the winning authors and illustrators. Everybody wins.


  1. I think Jennifer needs this for her collection...

  2. This doesn't just apply to writers of fiction ... but to writers of PhD theses as well!

  3. So glad to see a new Toon Thursday series! I'll bet a lot of people can identify with this one.

    Thanks for the link re: Valentine's Day gift ideas. Books are MUCH better than corporate mass-produced stuff, I think. Hope you and Mr. Aquafortis have a nice celebration, however belated.

  4. Thanks, guys. :)

    This is just one of those busy years--celebrating V-day a little late, but we'll have to celebrate our 10-year wedding anniversary a month early because of other people's weddings (3 of them, I think!) taking place around the same time.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. But aren't books mass-produced and corporate? :) They are definitely my present of choice. I'm also eyeing that massive box of fabric remnants under my bed and thinking, "Surely there's a way to turn these into pretty/useful gifts."

    I'm glad to see a new Toon Thursday series. The Inner Critic needs a natural predator.

  7. I will indeed "collect 'em all!"


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