February 24, 2011

Has it really been since 2005?!

Well, gosh! It's been awhile.
There's been a bit of chat here in the years since grad school, on everything from book evaluation vs. self evaluation, our good times at the ALA, our Cybils participation, our author interviews, our thoughts on ethnicity and identity, and our love for ancient, sexist science fiction. And of course, there have been the very funny and to the point Toon Thursdays.

In the intervening years since we started our blog, our writing dreams have started to come to fruition, the time we have to spend blogging has gotten shorter and shorter, and we've been driven slightly mad by the FCC, and the realities of being a blogger in a print-focused world. It hasn't been bad, though. It's been a hoot, and here's to a few more years at the keyboard.

Happy Blogoversary to us!


  1. Happy Blogoversary! and here's to many more.

  2. Happy Blog Birthday! And congratulations on all the progress made in reaching your writing dreams!

  3. Happy Blog Birthday, you two!!

  4. Happy Blogoversary! The times gone by so fast!

  5. Thanks, guys! Tanita, I love that graphic. Have we really been blogging since 2005? I don't think I believe it!

  6. Congratulations! And where's the live music? I heard #Antfighter!'s gonna play!!!

  7. The giant fire-breathing ant puppets are scheduled to appear any time now!

  8. Congratulations, you guys! So very pleased for you, especially the bit about your own dreams coming true. Here's to many more (years and dreams). xox

  9. We are #Antfighter! And this is the title track to our debut album PISMIRE RAIN!

  10. Happy Blogiversary (a day late)... here's to many more years!

  11. I'm a little late to the party, but I brought dessert. ;-)

  12. It's never too late for dessert! :)

  13. I'm late too with my huzzahs. I've brought beet dip (because I just made some). I really like how one day one of us commented on the other person's blog, and voila. Blog-friends.


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