November 29, 2010

Behold the Infant of Insanity!

Especially since two people I know have given birth in the last two weeks, and a little Bird just mentioned something about fluffing up her nest, this little hat appeals to me! Is it not the single-most adorable baby hat, ever? Behold, the infant Cthulhu! Yes, Baby Cthulhu will make you insane, but you will die happy. People: THERE IS A CROCHET PATTERN FOR THIS ON SALE. And there's an adult pattern...

Other fun bookish SFF gift geekery include Marvel Comics wallets and 20-sided die soap-on-a-rope. Via

Cybils reading is picking up pace -- and I can't wait to share as gifts some of the MOST EXCELLENT books on the YA list. It's going to be a Dystophia Christmas!

Now, back to the books...


  1. It is SO CUTE! And I'm a little disturbed that I find it so cute...

    There are lots of fun geeky gifts at Etsy. Key chains and jewelry made of gaming dice, etc. etc.


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