May 26, 2010

If it weren't in LA County, I'd move to Cerritos...

The images are copyrighted, so I won't use one here, but people, it's beautiful. I mean, look at the entrance to the Children's Library at the bottom right (just click on the smaller picture and it'll grow). And the aquarium!!!

Posh. That's really the only word for it.


  1. Cerritos? Really?

    It IS gorgeous. Nifty website, too.

  2. That's one good-looking library.

  3. They have a dinosaur. I may have to try to pilfer it the next time I'm in LA. Think I can fit it in my checked bag? It would make the kids here at WPL REALLY happy.

  4. More than the aquarium, I think every library should have at least one dinosaur. Preferably one upon which one can climb.

    Or, better yet, one of those trees which have padded "story seats" in them. Why not read a book in a tree, indoors. That would be the perfect library...

  5. Big aquariums blow up in pretty much every single movie I've ever seen one in, so I would be very reluctant to have one near all my books.

    I quite agree about the trees with seats.


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