April 09, 2009

Joy: Unexpectedly

May the mundane never drown you, may unexpected laughter bubble up within. May the last day of summer, the final day of vacation, the last ten minutes before the alarm -- stretch -- just enough for you to acknowledge it as a gift.



  1. Who are these lovely people? What a marvelous thing to do!

    Thanks for sharing this. I have to go belt out "The hills are alive..." now!

  2. Funny! I enjoyed the occasional dubious looks amid all the buoyancy.

  3. Oh My God, Can I tell you how much I enjoyed that. It made me cry. Yes cry!! This is what's right with the world. What's wrong with the world is that we don't do it nearly often enough. I have wanted to do something JUST like this so many times in my life. Just great! Thanks. And Peace. Always Peace.

  4. That's so cute! I love it! I wonder how many of those people randomly joined in, and how many were *prepared.* I mean, was it a flash mob situation where lots of people learned the choreography in advance? Whatever it was, it was awesome :-)

  5. Tremendous. I have a few souls that I must now send this to!


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