March 06, 2009

Late Winter Link Extravaganza

You guys probably already know I love extravaganzas. Well, I love the word "extravaganza." And, evidently, I like to save up a couple of months' worth of links and spew them back out way after the fact. Strangely, these two likes seem to go together pretty well. So, here is your Linkstravaganza for the season.

Here's one that I meant to post ages ago but totally forgot about: an NPR interview on our local Insight program with the utterly captivating children's author Francisco X. Alarcon. Not only does he recite a number of his bilingual poems in Spanish and English, he also recites a poem in the Nahuatl language. Don't miss it!

Via comes a useful manga glossary for those not as familiar with the genre. There's also an informative roundtable interview with librarians about graphic novels in libraries--just in time for the announcement (in Feb.) of YALSA's Great Graphic Novels for Teens.This month is also the second anniversary of Readergirlz, so be sure to stop by and check out this month's issue, which features Mary E. Pearson and her fabulous dystopian novel The Adoration of Jenna Fox.

I'll wrap up with some newer stuff: recently debuting is the page AuthorsNow!, a collaborative site for debut children's authors and illustrators (via author Cynthea Liu). Lastly, congrats to Lee Wind for his excellent and heartfelt guest column on GLBTQ books for kids in Queer Times. Whew! Now I think I'm finally caught up. For now, mwahahaha...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting. It's never too late to post and support our wonderful community of writers.


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