February 11, 2009


So, uh, like, so I don't think we've mentioned that Tanita had a fabulous interview over at The Brown Bookshelf in honor of 28 Days Later. Go check it out if you haven't already, and give her a humongous shout-out!!

As she mentioned, we're busy working on quite a surprise for our upcoming blogoversary. Hence the relative lack of posting. But we're still here, we promise, and still writing away, even if much of that writing is not blog-related.


  1. Ooooh, am heading straight over there to check it out!

  2. OMG, love the new look. LOVE IT!

    Fantastic way to put together your views, reviews, and interviews with easy clicking power. Great job!

    Oh, and I was very excited to see Tanita at Brown Bookshelf. And to see Tanita for the first time ever! Coolness.

  3. Thanks!! We're still working on the sidebar stuff, but it should all be ready to go by next week.

  4. Wow! Love the new look. Very elegant.

    I'm looking forward to catching up with Tanita's interview.


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