September 18, 2008

Toon Thursday: While We're On the Topic of Vampires...

Evidently all rejected book titles are long-winded in my world. Either that, or I have yet to learn that brevity is the soul of wit.

Did you know that Just One More Book now has a newsletter? It's true! Fans of their podcast won't want to miss the cool extras. Maybe we need to start a podcast about YA books...though, considering how elusive (I was gonna say reclusive, but elusive sounds more mysterious) TadMack and I tend to be, I can't imagine that happening. We like to write stuff, not necessarily say stuff. Plus I sound about eight years old in recordings.


  1. See, if you do it right, you can sell off the rights to write sequels time and time again (as Dragonlance did) - I guess they call that a franchise. Sigh.

  2. Oh, darlings, I am proud to say I haven't even picked up a Dragonlance.

    I have to say I'm pretty glad there are no more sequels to the Twilight thing. I'd like to see her write something completely new. And crack-free.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Evidently she DID write something else, called The Host, but I have no idea what it's all about.

    And, as for Dragonlance...I only ever read ONE. One was more than enough. It was...not awful, but I wasn't inclined to read any more, either.


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