August 25, 2008

Best. Logo. EVER.

You'll have to go to the Cybil's site and take a look. But OH. Seriously. Cool. Lisa Fuller, plus our own Little Willow (her sister!) and our Anne Levy= Awesome. Can we say T-shirts? Bags? Mugs?

Oh, yeah, and they're looking for a few good bloggers... people, read ALL THE REQUIREMENTS before you sign on.


  1. That is a nice, clean (as in crisp) logo!

    I know this doesn't count as a proper comment. I just had to leave some sort of calling card, though, after having been quiet for awhile.

  2. If that doesn't count as a real comment, this surely doesn't count as a real post!!!

  3. Gracias! I am sending her this link. :)

  4. Go, Little Willow's sister, go!


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