June 16, 2008

Ohhh, Save Me, You Big Strong Hunk of Man-Flesh!!

I'm sorry, but sarcasm seems to be an integral element of my personality.

If you haven't been following the fabulous (IMHO) new blog Guys Lit Wire, then you must go check out the discussion on whether teen boys NEED weak female characters in their books in order to grow up...uh...well, to grow up like Glenn Beck, evidently. Check out the video clip--an interview with author Ted Bell--and then don't miss the discussion taking place in the comments.

I'm totally behind on other blog-reading, as I'm sure you've noticed, but a couple of other tidbits have crossed my path today--a Twisted/Speak book trailer contest via Little Willow, and some musings on the elusive nature of inspiration entitled My Wife Is Ruining My Dreams: 9 Wonderful Years Not Good For Writing from a very amusing writer friend.

What have I been doing other than blogging? Well, I had a wonderfully fun day hanging out with TadMack and the Mr., eating and chatting and wandering around the East Bay (and shopping, which we both hate, but misery loves company). There are even some entertaining pictures of us posing with TadMack's recently released book, though I may have to promise to crop out everything but me and the novel before I'm allowed to post any of them...


  1. Thanks for the Guys Lit Wire link! I read it and left a comment.

    I enjoyed meeting TadMack yesterday evening and look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.

  2. Yay, cool!! I look forward to meeting up, too.

  3. A.F., she posted a VIDEO of me. I'm thinking I should have given in and taken NICE pictures with you. But alas...

  4. Oh, and thanks for posting about this conversation. I... as a writer... take exception to that... I think I see the point he was TRYING to make...? Maybe?


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