April 03, 2008

Toon Thursday: Stages of Rejection #4

As you can see, we're finally moving out of the doldrums and into recovery. For the first three stages, click here, here, and here.

I also participated in Art By Committee again this week, over at the blog of illustrator James Gurney (of Dinotopia fame). This week's was pretty tough--I'm not sure mine quite lives up to the others, but I had fun given the limited time I had this week. And I look forward to participating in Poetry Friday tomorrow--I have fun stuff! It's all picked out already!


  1. You know what our recovering author could use?
    That's right. A pet ferret.

    But at least she is up off the couch and moving around again!

  2. I'm so proud she's standing up!

    She's definitely moving into anger and denial, though...


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